Carson David Whorrall

For this child I have prayed. 1 Samuel 1:27

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Now that I'm ONE - Here's an Update!

So, it's been WAY too long since I have updated the blog...but give me a break - it's been a busy year already! Carson's pics are updated as well - so check out November thru March on the link at the left.

Carson spent a good part of January being sick. He kicked off the 2nd week of January with RSV...his symptoms weren't real bad and it didn't seem to affect him much at all (except he had a monstrous cough). Then the 3rd week of January he caught a nice little stomach bug...the bug didn't last but 4-5 days and we thought he was over it. Then he began puking at least 2-3 times a day...usually on MOMMY - I think dad got the pukies on 2-3 times (and I will admit - he got it in the doctor's office and that wasn't fun). Carson ended up with a moderate case of dehydration that landed us in the hospital overnight. When we walked into the pediatric wing and then into his little room with the hospital baby bed - I broke down in tears. My poor little baby was in the will never see anything sadder than your child hooked up to an IV and in a little baby hospital gown. They pumped Carson up with 3 bags of IV fluid and the next day, Carson was his old self again.

Luckily February was uneventful and that was GOOD! Carson did get his first haircut on Feb 17th from Aunt Shannon. Prior to the haircut, he looked a tad like Terry Bradshaw or Joe Dirt - depending on what angle his mullet was.

And then came MARCH - which means Carson turned ONE!!!!! He is getting around so good these days. He first took a few steps a week before his birthday but wasn't showing any real interest in walking a lot more until his birthday weekend. Then he would only take 2-3 steps at a time. Now, he can walk, walk, walk anywhere he wants :) And he can get back up without having to use the furniture to pull up on. It's been such a joy watching him get so excited and proud of himself for his accomplishments. I just can't believe our boy is ONE - it's been an amazing year and I promise to keep this blog updated more often then I have!!!!
Check out Carson taking a stroll...

Monday, November 5, 2007

Chunky Monkey

Sorry the Halloween pics are a little late (you know the drill - follow the link on the left...look at October 2007 pics). Our chunky monkey was just too cute and surprisingly didn't try to take his "ears" off all night!

Here's an update on our little man: he started crawling a couple of weeks ago (October 24th) but some might think it's more of a slither. He has this "inch worm" sort of motion more than the traditional one hand, one knee, other hand, other knee motion. But hey - it works for him and he's into everything.

This weekend we realized that the days of us leaving the room to grab a drink, go potty, etc while Carson sat and played unattended were OVER. This child is MOBILE and can't leave him for a second anymore. Wow - we just THOUGHT we were tired before!

Yesterday he was practicing his "pulling up" skills. He can now go from sitting to kneeling, to standing. I'm almost afraid to think that he might be walking by Christmas...and the thought of me telling him to stop pulling things off the Christmas tree echo in my mind....

Saturday, October 13, 2007

The Great Pumpkin

We made our first annual trip to the Flower Mound Pumpkin Patch today. And we have never seen so many pumpkins!!! We wished the weather would have been a little cooler so it would have actually felt like fall...but then we remembered that we live in Texas. But we had a good time anyway! We went some friends and their one year old daughter and it was fun taking pictures with both of the kiddos. We had a hard time getting Carson to look at the camera because there was so much going on that he was very distracted.

Now for Carson updates...Carson is getting better at getting up on all fours and scooting. He's making some strides on the crawling thing but nothing to write home about yet. I did walk into his room today after his second nap and he was sitting up in his bed staring at me. This is the first time that he's sat himself up from a laying position and you could tell by the look on his face that he was VERY proud of himself. He also can stand up at the coffee table and balance himself.

Lately he has really been loving those Fisher-Price rings that you stack. Funny thing is, Jason and I keep calling them "donuts". He likes the blue and the green donuts best :) We can't wait until he goes to school and the teacher asks the class about a circle and says "What shape is this?" and our child responds with "it's a donut". It just may be the first of many parent-teacher conferences (ha).

Other than that nothing new is happening in the world of Carson...unless you want me to mention that he seems to have a near "blowout" in his diaper everyday for the last week around 11:00 am. But nah, you don't want to hear about that...I PROMISE.

*** Don't forget to check out Carson's pictures for September and also his Pumpkin Patch pics by following the link on the left. ***

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Six Months and Eight TEETH

Carson is now past the 6 month mark and I can't believe how much he's grown. He's getting up on all fours and starting to rock. He's also starting to lunge forward in an attempt at mobility. I have a feeling once he figures this "crawling thing" out...there is going to be no stopping him. I guess Jason and I should prepare the house and make it Carson-proof pretty soon! I know he will be into EVERYTHING.

As my post title notes, our little one has EIGHT teeth. Four on top and four on the bottom. I think he's ready for a nice big juicy steak!! But maybe we will just start with some cheerios.

Carson is getting quite the personality. He jibber-jabbers pretty much all the time! He wakes up pretty happy and just talks and talks...I look forward to understanding what "hyga hyga" means??? If anyone reading this speaks "baby", clue me in :)

Also - August pictures are posted in his albums. Follow the link on the left. I posted the pic above because I can't look at it and not smile!

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Everyone always tells you...

The one bit of advice I received most often before Carson was born was "They grow up way too fast, enjoy every moment". And boy was that the truth - one minute your praying for your epidural to kick in and the next thing you know your son is a toddler...a teenager...a college ADULT! UGH - makes me sad to think of how fast time seems to fly by these days. But I truly do treasure every moment I get to spend with my little guy. I truly love the moments that I get to see him giggle in delight with a little tickle, a funny face or silly dance. No one ever told me what a fool i would make of myself just to see my baby smile! But it's worth it. And even when I am so sleep deprived that I think I will fall flat on my face, I still enjoy those tender moments with him if he happens to wake at night...rocking him back to sleep or comforting him when he is teething. No one will ever be able to explain the true love of a never truly know how deep it runs until you are a parent yourself. Makes you want to thank your mom and dad for giving you that same love.

So now that I got out my "sappy mom"'s an update on Carson. He will be 6 months old on September 1...see - this is where the "time flies" bit came from in the above paragraph. He can sit up so good now and looks like he is starting to really WANT to crawl but I don't expect him to for another few weeks or maybe month? I dunno how to gauge all that - being that this is my first go-round of being a mom. But looks like he's trying.

As far as his food adventures...he's tried all the fruits and veggies - and so far the only thing our little chunky monkey did not like were the PEAS! His face was precious...he would take a bite of peas and then sit there with this look on his face "What the heck am I suppose to do with this - i sure as heck am NOT going to swallow them...". But luckily he didn't spit them out either...not sure where those peas went?? Ha.

I'll add more pics to the shutterfly link on the left at the end of the month!

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Today we conquered...GREEN BEANS

Today Carson tried his first green vegetable. Seems like we won't have to force the kiddo to eat...I like to call him Mr. Gobbles...and you would understand if you watched him devour these green beans. Although you can't tell by his picture - he really did like them. I choose this picture because it made me laugh - he looks totally BORED. He was done eating his beans and wanted out of his chair!

Monday, July 30, 2007

Five Months - Right around the corner!

How time flies! So fast - I haven't had time to update the blog since Carson was one in 2 days he will be FIVE MONTHS old!! Take a look at his photo album on the left...I've added his July Pics.

Carson got his first tooth on June 21st. His second one wasn't too far behind on June 28th! I think he's cutting a few more because his drool had slowed down a bit and now he is a drooling fool again!

Carson got his first taste of "food" on July 3rd when he tried his first spoonful of Rice Cereal. We then tried Oatmeal a couple weeks later - it's always good to give some variety to a child, right. One bland cereal or the other? Carson, you pick...Ick! Enter the first VEGGIE this weekend (July 28th). We decided on carrots...he LOVED them...devoured the entire container and probably would have eaten another one if we would have let him. But boy, are those a mess. Not to mention he has decided that he likes to spit up lately...and now the barf is ORANGE...lovely!

Last weekend Carson found his feet. That toe jam must be quite tasty to the little guy because the toes end up in his mouth most times. This weekend he has mastered sitting by himself. Ok, maybe "mastered" is a bit of a stretch but you can sit him on his bottom and he enjoys sitting up and playing for quite a while...until he topples over. He started getting upset this weekend if he was playing and not in the "upright position".

Carson continues to amaze us everyday with new accomplishments and achievements behind every corner. But what makes us smile the most is his sweet giggle!!!